Security Reporting

When security officers respond to a crime, incident, or policy violation, they create an incident report. Incident reports form the basis for Clery Act crime statistics reporting, timely warnings of crimes or situations that pose a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community, and postings to the public crime and fire logs.

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act) requires the distribution of an annual security and fire safety report to all current faculty, staff, and students, and notice of its availability to students, faculty, staff, and prospective students and employees.

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: The Associate Vice President of Safety and Security submits crime and fire statistics to the Department of Education (DOE) by October 1 of each year and distributes the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) to all current students, employees, and prospective students notice of its availability at the start each academic year as required by the Clery Act. The ASFSR includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported Clery crimes that occurred within the College’s Clery geography, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Bowdoin College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This report includes all Clery crimes reported to the Office of Safety and Security, campus security authorities, and law enforcement agencies, regardless of the ultimate disposition of the reported crime, institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and the Fire Safety Report regarding fires in campus residential buildings.

Timely Warnings: The Office of Safety and Security will issue a timely warning notice to the College community regarding any crime or situation that may pose a serious or continued threat to the College community. Once the pertinent facts are received from the police, campus security, or campous security authority (CSA) the decision to issue a timely warning shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Director of Safety and Security or Associate Director of Safety and Security, in coordination with other College officials and/or local law enforcement. When issuing timely warnings, the name(s) and other identifying information of the victim(s) is kept confidential. In the event there is an active police investigation, a timely warning would be issued with consideration to protecting the integrity of the investigation. Having knowledge of such crimes will assist community members in making informed decisions about their personal safety and help prevent similar crimes from occurring.

Emergency Alerts: The Bowdoin College Emergency Notification System (App Armor) uses a secure, web-based service to quickly alert students, faculty, and staff to lock down or take immediate action to ensure their and others' safety in the event of a major campus emergency. Regular updates provide situational updates and guidance. Multi-modal emergency notifications are sent simultaneously via phone, email, text messaging, computer screen takeover, and push notifications to the BowdoinSAFE app.

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